Air Freight

Sea Freight


Customs Clearance

Express Cargo

Domestic Cargo


3PL Warehousing

Aviation Logistics

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Air Freight

C.T. Freight can handle all your air freight requirements, we offer a wide range of services. Our global network provides you with a complete worldwide transport and distribution solution. We have direct routings or deferred options.

C.T. Freight can handle all your national and international Air Freight requirements, we offer a wide range of services to tailor for your specific need. Our global network provides you with a complete worldwide transport and distribution solution. We have direct routings or deferred options.

  • Air Freight Imports worldwide
  • Air Freight Exports worldwide
  • All-inclusive door-to-door service
  • Pick-up, packing and crating
  • Special projects
  • Time-sensitive and express Air Freight services
  • On-line with Customs
  • Direct and deferred options
  • Letter of Credit Consignments
  • Bonded warehousing
  • Short-term and long-term storage
  • Consolidation services

Perishable Freight by Air

C.T. Freight is a specialist in handling Perishable Freight and Cool Chain Logistics. All our facilities are AQIS approved and have temperature-controlled freezer and coolrooms to accommodate your cool chain logistics requirements. We have cool wrap insulation and provide all necessary materials including dry ice, to ensure your product is carried as requested and arrives in an ideal condition.

  • All offices have freezer and chiller facilities
  • International Air Freight services worldwide for perishable goods
  • Our facilities are quarantined approved
  • Daily movements of produce, meat, seafood, and flowers
  • Market development to all countries

For more details visit the Perishable/Cold Chain Logistics page.

Cargo Loading Air Freight

Air Freight is carried in special Aluminium containers or flat Aluminium pallets technically known as “Unit Load Devices” (ULDs). These ULDs fit all wide-bodied aircraft. Smaller aircraft (e.g. 733) carry a minimal amount of freight in their bulk hold and do not have ULDs capability. C.T. Freight offers customers the option to purchase space on a per kilo or ULD container basis.

Our experienced staff will advise the most cost effective method of moving your freight.

Note: Space is bought on a volume or weight basis, depending on which is greater. Airlines charge per volumetric weight. The formula used is to multiply Length x Breath x Width in centimetres then divide by 6,000. Either the volumetric or actual weight will be charged by airlines, whichever is greater.

C.T. Freight can handle all your air freight requirements, we offer a wide range of services. Our global network provides you with a complete worldwide transport and distribution solution. We can offer you either direct routings or deferred options.

Customs Clearance & Brokerage

C.T. Freight handles the complex task of organising and moving your international air freight shipments through Customs as quickly and efficiently as possible. We have trained and qualified Customs Brokers with many years of experience to ensure that your products are entered correctly with both Customs and AQIS to avoid any delays in delivering your cargo. For more information please visit our Customs Clearance page.

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